2 Feb 2012

Scrawling 4: How much posting is too much posting?

Okay so I know it's not normal to post this much in one day but hey I just started the blog and this is all new to me.. PLUS I have soo much free time on me. I have about a month till uni starts so I have lots of time and lots to show. After that Ill probably be very busy since any design school is always so demanding.I know that much from doing a year of Architecture (did I not mention that before? no? surprise!) I have no doubt fashion school will be any less demanding so I am ready for those endless days and sleepless nights. Speaking of fashion school, I found out they have textile printing labs and knitwear printing labs and I'm just so excited to go and try it all out ...I feel like I might look like a kid in a candy store. Beyond excited.

On another note, I've been doing a series of drawings using black, grey and blue markers so I'll be posting one of those every now and then. For future reference lets call it the BBG series. SO lame but it will do.

Here you go BBG 1:

So the people of these series are mostly from my head but sometimes I do portraits. Everything they're wearing is not necessarily what I would consider one of my design even though they are original...but what I mean is that they're not what I would create...I don't know if Ive explained well...
Basically the main purpose of this series is practicing prints and colouring techniques. So in this particular drawing I was trying out the houndstooth print and the sheer skirt.

Engy <3

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