14 Feb 2012

Achieving perfection

Well hello there, so yeah maybe I made a promise I couldn't keep when I said I'd be back blogging a lot but what can I say? I really had nothing to blog about in mind. I do now though.

We hear the word "Perfect" one too many times don't we? Is it that this word has lost value because of the fact that it's used in many situations, describing things which can hardly be called perfect? Or is it because what you would call perfect might not be as perfect to me and vice verse? Can one really achieve perfection though?
Lets say I make a sandwich and I call it the perfect sandwich and there's nothing about it that you can fault, so you try and you don't think it's quite as perfect as I believe it is. Am I just being silly or do you just not think that that's your idea of a perfect sandwich. Or is it just NOT perfect just because we both haven't agreed?

Is the idea of perfection personal, or does it require validation from more than one party?
I've always thought that you can't actually call anything perfect because you don't exactly get to decide that. And you can hardly actually get to that point where what you think is perfect is also perfect to everyone else. So what does that even mean? Does it mean that, perfection is relative, or personal or does it not actually carry as much value as we seem to give it?
Does perfection even exist at all? Maybe it actually doesn't.

There is no perfect theory about the shape of the Earth. You will probably argue that it is because it makes perfect sense that the Earth be ellipse shaped. But isn't that exactly what they thought when they said the Earth was flat? And when they said the Earth was round?
So I guess there is a pattern here then; things will become more right and more "perfect" the more you progress. The reality is you can never call something perfect at first sight or first try, in fact, you can never really call something perfect at all, because even after you stop trying, someone else will start and they will be more right then you ever were and so on and so forth.
There won't be a perfect painting or a perfect sandwich or a perfect theory or a perfect person.

To conclude all this, you will achieve perfection when you reach infinity. And that is the paradox.

I'll leave you a scribble

Engy <3

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